Quick Start

In the quick guide here, we show how to install CAG, create a sample graph from a datasource and extend the graph with annotation nodes.

  1. Installation

  2. Graph creation: GraphCreatorBase: creates or updates a graph from a datasource

  3. Graph annotation: AnnotatorBase: annotate (extend) graphs by running various algorithms over them


You can download the latest stable version of CAG from Pypi.

pip install cag

Or, to install the latest fixes, you can install CAG from GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/DLR-SC/corpus-annotation-graph-builder.git


Make sure you have an ArangoDB instance up and running. You can connect to it using the cag.utils.config.Config utilities as shown in the code block below. your config instance will be used later on when you initiated you Graph Creator.

import cag.utils.config as config

my_config = config.Config(
    url="", # URL to your ArangoDB instance
    user="root", # ArangoDB username
    password="root", # ArangoDB password
    database="_system", # The database name - DB will be created if it does not already exist
    graph="MyCagGraph", # Ypur graph name - A new graph will be created if it does not already exist

Build your First Graph

In this section we show a quick example on how to create your graph from a datasource using CAG. For a more deailed guide, refer to the Graph-Creator Section.

Your GraphCreator inherits from the class cag.framework.creator.base_creator.GraphCreatorBase which is an abstract class; it enforces the implementation of two functions: one for initializing (init_graph()) the graph from a datasource and one for updating it (init_graph()). In jupyter notebook here, we create a sample graph.

Each GraphCreator would look as follows:

from cag.framework.creator.base_creator import GraphCreatorBase

class MyDatasourceXGraphCreator(GraphCreatorBase):

    _name = "DatasourceX"
    _description = "This is the description of my DatasourceX"

    # Here you define a sub-ontology of your graph
    # - only the ontology related to your DatasourceX

    # 1. Define Nodes not created in CAG
        # TODO
    # 2. Define relations
        # TODO

    def init_graph(self):

        # Loop over each entry of your dataset and an load it to the graph
        # use the following to insert a node or edge (respectively):
            #      GENERIC functions: `self.upsert_node(name, attrs_dict, alt_key)`,
            #                         `self.upsert_edge(relation_name,
            #                                           from_node, to_node, attrs_dict)`
            #      Specific functions: `self.create_author_node()`, `self.create_author_node()`


    def update_graph(self, timestamp):
        return self.init_graph()

Annotate your First Graph

In *annotation* jupyter notebook, we create an annotation pipeline and .